Monday, July 21, 2014

My Teacher, My Principal

As a Teacher:
Mr. Patton was a fabulous Algebra teacher.  He explained things well and was very motivating.  One of his most famous forms of motivation was to list the number of A's, B's, C's ,D's and F's on the test on the board and then seat the students according to the grades on the test.  The class clapped for each other when big jumps were made in seats and or rows.

As a Principal:
Mr. Patton was innovative and always students first yet cared very deeply about his staff and came up with solutions that were always win win. He gave me my first opportunity to coach in 1992 (8th grade girls field hockey) which saved Joe Sudimak from the job :)

Wendy Landry
Former Patton MS student and current Patton MS Teacher